Sunday, August 14, 2011

October Wishes

Beautiful sunset scenery, flock of seagulls, hard waves, bubbles by the coast, stepping on soft sand, wearing just flip flops, walking along the beach, that night of ours, eat, laugh, nonsense talk together, you hold my hand and I'll hold yours, you kiss me on the forehead and I kiss you the cheek, feeling the breeze at night, conversation about nothing until late night, you tell me secrets you tell me jokes, you go easy on me and make me feel comfortable, you hardly make me sad, you tuck me in bed and give me a good night kiss and hug to warmth me, and morning and so on . . .

I can't wait baby, wishing the time will run fast.

Love, A

I'm unbearable, I'm speechless, I'm heartbroken

Thursday, August 11, 2011

We Use Too..

We use to be one
We use not to be apart
We use to stay in the same building
We use to walk aside
We use to laugh together
We use to share bed in one
We use to share pillow
We use to share the same blanket
We use to drink together
We use to eat together
We use to talk about the same people
We use to get annoyed by the same person
We use to care and concerned about each other
We use to have the same thing in mind
We use to share problems
We use to help each other
We use to listen to each other
We use to advise each other
We use to share the same notes
We use to be partner
We use to work together

But now, do we ?
But thank you so much and your words too which hurt the most

Love, A
11 August 2011, thanks mate

Monday, August 8, 2011

Shout Out !

Posting to give a shout, HELLO ! Wishing all of you a pleasant day !

I Miss You

All those nights we danced by the moonlight
Conversations bout nothin' till midnight
You and I huddled close till the daylight came
Remember the colors reflected in your eyes
The scene painted golden as the sun rises
Over you and me, darling

Remember this song Sayang ?
Baby Baby Baby, I miss you so so much !
Why are we so far ?
Baby, I'm sorry for everything especially those fights we had.
Forgive me, Baby.
Baby, I miss being in your arms.
Baby, I miss being cuddled by you.
Baby, I miss holding your hand.
Baby, I miss going for a movie with you.
Baby, I miss going out with Baby Oren.
Baby, I miss kisses from you

Babyboo, I want you ! I miss you so much !

Love, your GirlF

I Hate Myself

Its 4 in the morning but I seem not to been sleeping. Well I am tired, my face look horrible but I tanned no to sleep yet. I'm kinda sad, just tired with all the fighting. Been promising like dozens but still. I don't know, not blaming you, its me also. Ergghh oohh I don't know what to write !

i love you , sayang 

As Love reach to you

As the balloon goes up,
As the letter goes along,
As it reach high in the sky,
As it move itself to reach you,
Until then I'll hold my breathe,
As you have the letter in your palms,
As you start reading whoi is for,
As I start getting nervous,
As you open the envelope,
As my heart beat so fast,
As you have the letter in your hand,
As you about to read,
As you read the first few word, "Dear Baby,",
As I wish you would be smiling,
As I wish you would feel the same,
As I want you to know that I really love you,
As I want you to know that I miss you so much,
And as tears drop down to your cheek,
That's is when I wipe it of and give you a kiss :*

Love, Afiqah
i'm not toy

Monday, August 1, 2011

First day of Fasting, 2011


First Sahur

1st August, 2011, 4:30 a.m. 

Its the first sahur, got a little bit excited. See the picture above? Hoo-yeahh, that's what I had for sahur this dawn. At first was too lazy to get my butt up, but seems that tomorrow is the 1st of Ramadhan, I better be prepared. What I meant is, no grumbling tummy tomorrow. Hehe.  Then I called Abah, to niat together. So sad :( I miss family so much. Then in a bit, I care to update this post and here I go to bed again. Class at 12 p.m. tomorrow. Heaven :)

Love, A