Sunday, September 13, 2009

What's with Rubix Cube ?

I don't get it. Nowdays, people keep on playing with this " thing " called Rubix Cube. Even the youngs. Its just cubes with multi-colours. I never enjoy playing with this cube. I never get to solve it. It just make me angry and so damn confused!

Here, enjoy some of the random photos I picked up.
Rubix Cube:

Random puzzller:

*A liltle girl playing Rubix cube

*Even the robot plays the Rubix cube

*Stupid! How can you solve it when you can't even see the cube

*This is WOAAH!

*Even a potrait nude plays Rubix cube

When you've solve the puzzle :

When you can't solve the puzzle:

*Lastly, just smash it up !


mizi said...

ketinggalan ahh. orang da hebat da. hahak

Mediha Omar said...

yes u absolutely can solve it even when blind folded. Dia hafal masa dia pusing2 the thing dulu. Done many times dear.